Bloblang Methods

Last updated: 1 minute read.

Methods provide most of the power in Bloblang as they allow you to augment values and can be added to any expression (including other methods): =
root.doc.reduced_nums = this.thing.nums.map_each(num -> if num < 10 {
} else {
  num - 10
root.has_good_taste = ["pikachu","mewtwo","magmar"].contains(this.user.fav_pokemon)

Methods support both named and nameless style arguments:

root.foo_one = this.(bar | baz).trim().replace_all(old: "dog", new: "cat")
root.foo_two = this.(bar | baz).trim().replace_all("dog", "cat")

Bloblang provides a range of methods that provide robust capabilities for processing and shaping data. These methods are essential tools for developers and data engineers looking to perform complex transformations, handle errors gracefully, and ensure data integrity throughout their pipelines. Tyk Streams supports the following Bloblang methods: