Encoding and Encryption Methods

Last updated: 4 minutes read.

This page provides a detailed guide to the encoding and encryption methods available in Bloblang, the data transformation language used within Tyk Streams. These methods enable you to securely encode, decode, encrypt and decrypt your data, leveraging a variety of algorithms and schemes. Each method includes specific parameters and examples.


Compresses a string or byte array value according to a specified algorithm.


algorithm <string> One of flate, gzip, pgzip, lz4, snappy, zlib, zstd.
level <integer, default -1> The level of compression to use. May not be applicable to all algorithms.


let long_content = range(0, 1000).map_each(content()).join(" ")
root.a_len = $long_content.length()
root.b_len = $long_content.compress("gzip").length()

# In:  hello world this is some content
# Out: {"a_len":32999,"b_len":161}
root.compressed = content().compress("lz4").encode("base64")

# In:  hello world I love space
# Out: {"compressed":"BCJNGGRwuRgAAIBoZWxsbyB3b3JsZCBJIGxvdmUgc3BhY2UAAAAAGoETLg=="}


Decodes an encoded string target according to a chosen scheme and returns the result as a byte array. When mapping the result to a JSON field the value should be cast to a string using the method [string](#string, or encoded using the method encode, otherwise it will be base64 encoded by default.

Available schemes are: base64, base64url (RFC 4648 with padding characters), base64rawurl (RFC 4648 without padding characters), hex and ascii85.


scheme <string> The decoding scheme to use.


root.decoded = this.value.decode("hex").string()

# In:  {"value":"68656c6c6f20776f726c64"}
# Out: {"decoded":"hello world"}
root = this.encoded.decode("ascii85")

# In:  {"encoded":"FD,B0+DGm>FDl80Ci\"A>F`)8BEckl6F`M&(+Cno&@/"}
# Out: this is totally unstructured data


Decompresses a string or byte array value according to a specified algorithm. The result of decompression


algorithm <string> One of gzip, pgzip, zlib, bzip2, flate, snappy, lz4, zstd.


root = this.compressed.decode("base64").decompress("lz4")

# In:  {"compressed":"BCJNGGRwuRgAAIBoZWxsbyB3b3JsZCBJIGxvdmUgc3BhY2UAAAAAGoETLg=="}
# Out: hello world I love space

Use the .string() method in order to coerce the result into a string, this makes it possible to place the data within a JSON document without automatic base64 encoding.

root.result = this.compressed.decode("base64").decompress("lz4").string()

# In:  {"compressed":"BCJNGGRwuRgAAIBoZWxsbyB3b3JsZCBJIGxvdmUgc3BhY2UAAAAAGoETLg=="}
# Out: {"result":"hello world I love space"}


Decrypts an encrypted string or byte array target according to a chosen AES encryption method and returns the result as a byte array. The algorithms require a key and an initialization vector / nonce. Available schemes are: ctr, ofb, cbc.


scheme <string> The scheme to use for decryption, one of ctr, ofb, cbc.
key <string> A key to decrypt with.
iv <string> An initialization vector / nonce.


let key = "2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c".decode("hex")
let vector = "f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff".decode("hex")
root.decrypted = this.value.decode("hex").decrypt_aes("ctr", $key, $vector).string()

# In:  {"value":"84e9b31ff7400bdf80be7254"}
# Out: {"decrypted":"hello world!"}


Encodes a string or byte array target according to a chosen scheme and returns a string result. Available schemes are: base64, base64url (RFC 4648 with padding characters), base64rawurl (RFC 4648 without padding characters), hex, ascii85.


scheme <string> The encoding scheme to use.


root.encoded = this.value.encode("hex")

# In:  {"value":"hello world"}
# Out: {"encoded":"68656c6c6f20776f726c64"}
root.encoded = content().encode("ascii85")

# In:  this is totally unstructured data
# Out: {"encoded":"FD,B0+DGm>FDl80Ci\"A>F`)8BEckl6F`M&(+Cno&@/"}


Encrypts a string or byte array target according to a chosen AES encryption method and returns a string result. The algorithms require a key and an initialization vector / nonce. Available schemes are: ctr, ofb, cbc.


scheme <string> The scheme to use for encryption, one of ctr, ofb, cbc.
key <string> A key to encrypt with.
iv <string> An initialization vector / nonce.


let key = "2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c".decode("hex")
let vector = "f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff".decode("hex")
root.encrypted = this.value.encrypt_aes("ctr", $key, $vector).encode("hex")

# In:  {"value":"hello world!"}
# Out: {"encrypted":"84e9b31ff7400bdf80be7254"}


Hashes a string or byte array according to a chosen algorithm and returns the result as a byte array. When mapping the result to a JSON field the value should be cast to a string using the method [string][methods.string], or encoded using the method [encode][methods.encode], otherwise it will be base64 encoded by default.

Available algorithms are: hmac_sha1, hmac_sha256, hmac_sha512, md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, xxhash64, crc32.

The following algorithms require a key, which is specified as a second argument: hmac_sha1, hmac_sha256, hmac_sha512.


algorithm <string> The hasing algorithm to use.
key <(optional) string> An optional key to use.
polynomial <string, default "IEEE"> An optional polynomial key to use when selecting the crc32 algorithm, otherwise ignored. Options are IEEE (default), Castagnoli and Koopman


root.h1 = this.value.hash("sha1").encode("hex")
root.h2 = this.value.hash("hmac_sha1","static-key").encode("hex")

# In:  {"value":"hello world"}
# Out: {"h1":"2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed","h2":"d87e5f068fa08fe90bb95bc7c8344cb809179d76"}

The crc32 algorithm supports options for the polynomial.

root.h1 = this.value.hash(algorithm: "crc32", polynomial: "Castagnoli").encode("hex")
root.h2 = this.value.hash(algorithm: "crc32", polynomial: "Koopman").encode("hex")

# In:  {"value":"hello world"}
# Out: {"h1":"c99465aa","h2":"df373d3c"}