API changes not applied

Last updated: 1 minute read.

If you experience issues with the behavior of the Tyk Operator (e.g. API changes not being applied), to investigate, you can check the logs of the tyk-operator-controller-manager Deployment’s pod in your cluster with the following command:


If the operator webhook cannot be reached, this internal error occurs:

failed calling webhook "mapidefinition.kb.io": failed to call webhook: Post "https://tyk-operator-webhook-service.tyk.svc:443/mutate-tyk-tyk-io-v1alpha1-apidefinition?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded

This typically happens when the webhook does not have access to the operator manager service. This is typically due to connectivity issues or if the manager is not up.

Please refer to cert-manager The Definitive Debugging Guide for the cert-manager Webhook Pod documentation about possible solutions based on your environment (GKE, EKS, etc.)