Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal v1.10.0

Last updated: 3 minutes read.

Licensed Protected Product

Release Date 27 Jun 2024

Breaking Changes

This release has no breaking changes.

Future breaking changes

This release doesn’t introduce future breaking changes.


There are no deprecations in this release.

Release Highlights

The 1.10.0 addresses twenty high-priority bugs and vulnerabilities and introduces three new features:

  • OAS APIs support.
  • Theme cache.
  • Configuration options for database connections.

Upgrade instructions

If you are on 1.9.0 or an older version we advise you to upgrade ASAP directly to this release.

To upgrade the portal’s theme please follow the upgrade instructions for the portal’s themes.





  • Fixed the bug where PORTAL_SESSION_LIFETIME was calculated in minutes instead of seconds.
  • Fixed the bug where access requests were not removed when an application is deleted.
  • Fixed the bug where stoplight library was blocking the portal’s startup if it’s not available.
  • Fixed the bug where browsing into API Product throws an error when Baseline URL is provided in provider section.
  • Fixed the bug where it was possible to create new access requests from the admin dashboard.
  • Fixed the bug where the portal was not displaying the quota renewal rate when a custom renewal rate was set in a policy.
  • Fixed the bug where the first user is always created under Organization 0 when the /portal-api/users endpoint is invoked for the first time.
  • Fixed the bug where the portal /ready probe was not taking into consideration the bootstrap and tables automigration process.
  • Fixed the bug where sometimes, the plan added to the cart was not updated after a product change.
  • Fixed the bug where it was not possible to delete an application that was provisioned with an access request created through the API.
  • Fixed the bug where users where not able to submit the cart from parallel submission (two different tabs or browsers).
  • Fixed the bug where creating an app was not possible when there was no DCR scope specified for the Product but there was a scope specified for the Plan.
  • Fixed the bug where the portal logout was not clearing browser user data and logging the user out completely.
  • Fixed the bug where it was not possible to delete non authToken apps from the developer portal when approved products and plans are removed.
  • Fixed the bug where it was not possible to download the theme without adding an extra / to the URL.
  • Fixed the bug where carts submissions where emptying other users carts if they have the same content in it.
  • Fixed the bug where it was not possible to delete an application after making an API call to update it and associate it to a different user.
  • Fixed the bug where the portal was exposing technical details on error messages on the Forgot password page.
  • Fixed the bug where sometimes, content blocks where not being displayed correctly on the portal admin page.
  • Fixed the bug where stoplight was not rendered correctly in mobile devices.
  • Fixed the bug where editing current developer password was causing a panic.

Further Information

Upgrading Tyk

Please refer to the upgrading Tyk page for further guidance with respect to the upgrade strategy.


Please visit our Developer Support page for further information relating to reporting bugs, upgrading Tyk, technical support and how to contribute.