Manage API Users

Last updated:

Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal

If you are interested in getting access contact us at [email protected]


Here you’ll learn about how to add and invite a new external user to the developer portal.


  • A Tyk portal installation
  • Log in to the portal admin app

Invite a new user

  1. From the API Consumers > Users menu Click Add new user.

Portal API Users menu

  1. In the Add user dialog, enter First and Last names, and Email.
  2. Select an organization to which to register your user.
  3. You can also set a password for a user by typing it in the Set password field. Check the User must change password at the next login if you wish your developer to change their password at next login. Please note, that you can either send the invite email or set the password yourself, but you cannot use both methods.

Add API Users dialog

  1. Click Save to add your user.
  2. To generate the invite email, click More Options in the Overview section and then Send invite. The user will receive an email with a link to the registration form. This option is only available if you didn’t set the password before. To customize the invite email, please refer to the Email customization section for guidance.

Users Send invite dialog