Datadog Setup

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The Tyk Pump can be configured to send your API traffic analytics to Datadog with which you can build a dashboards with various metrics based on your API traffic in Tyk.

Datadog dashboard example

We ceated a defaulkt Tyk dashboard canvat to give our users an easier starting point. You can find it in Datadog portal, under the Dashboards --> lists section, ([], and it is called Tyk Analytics Canvas. To use this dashboard you will need to make sure that your datadog agent deployment has the following tag env:tyk-demo-env and that your Tyk Pump configuration has dogstatsd.meta.namespace set to pump. You can also import it from Datadog official GH repo and change those values in the dashboard itself to visualize your analytics data as it flows into Datadog.

Sample Datadog dashboard


How it works

When running the Datadog Agent, DogstatsD gets the request_time metric from your Tyk Pump in real time, per request, so you can understand the usage of your APIs and get the flexibility of aggregating by various parameters such as date, version, returned code, method etc.

Tyk Pump configuration

Below is a sample DogstatD section from a Tyk pump.conf file

"dogstatsd": {
  "type": "dogstatsd",
  "meta": {
    "address": "dd-agent:8126",
    "namespace": "tyk",
    "async_uds": true,
    "async_uds_write_timeout_seconds": 2,
    "buffered": true,
    "buffered_max_messages": 32,
    "sample_rate": 0.9999999999,
    "tags": [

Field descriptions

  • address: address of the datadog agent including host & port
  • namespace: prefix for your metrics to datadog
  • async_uds: Enable async UDS over UDP
  • async_uds_write_timeout_seconds: Integer write timeout in seconds if async_uds: true
  • buffered: Enable buffering of messages
  • buffered_max_messages: Max messages in single datagram if buffered: true. Default 16
  • sample_rate: default 1 which equates to 100% of requests. To sample at 50%, set to 0.5
  • tags: List of tags to be added to the metric. The possible options are listed in the below example

If no tag is specified the fallback behavior is to use the below tags:

  • path
  • method
  • response_code
  • api_version
  • api_name
  • api_id
  • org_id
  • tracked
  • oauth_id

Note that this configuration can generate significant data due to the unbound nature of the path tag.

On startup, you should see the loaded configs when initialising the DogstatsD pump

[May 10 15:23:44]  INFO dogstatsd: initializing pump
[May 10 15:23:44]  INFO dogstatsd: namespace: pump.
[May 10 15:23:44]  INFO dogstatsd: sample_rate: 50%
[May 10 15:23:44]  INFO dogstatsd: buffered: true, max_messages: 32
[May 10 15:23:44]  INFO dogstatsd: async_uds: true, write_timeout: 2s