Number Manipulation Methods

Last updated: 8 minutes read.

Number manipulation methods in Bloblang offer a robust suite of tools for performing various numerical transformations and calculations. These methods enable users to convert, round, and compute values with precision, catering to specific data type requirements.


Returns the absolute value of an int64 or float64 number. As a special case, when an integer is provided that is the minimum value it is converted to the maximum value.


root.outs = this.ins.map_each(ele -> ele.abs())

# In:  {"ins":[9,-18,1.23,-4.56]}
# Out: {"outs":[9,18,1.23,4.56]}


Returns the least integer value greater than or equal to a number. If the resulting value fits within a 64-bit integer then that is returned, otherwise a new floating point number is returned.


root.new_value = this.value.ceil()

# In:  {"value":5.3}
# Out: {"new_value":6}

# In:  {"value":-5.9}
# Out: {"new_value":-5}


Converts a numerical type into a 32-bit floating point number, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 32-bit floating point number. Please refer to the strconv.ParseFloat documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.out =

# In:  {"in":"6.674282313423543523453425345e-11"}
# Out: {"out":6.674283e-11}


Converts a numerical type into a 64-bit floating point number, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 64-bit floating point number. Please refer to the strconv.ParseFloat documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.out =

# In:  {"in":"6.674282313423543523453425345e-11"}
# Out: {"out":6.674282313423544e-11}


Returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to the target number. If the resulting value fits within a 64-bit integer then that is returned, otherwise a new floating point number is returned.


root.new_value = this.value.floor()

# In:  {"value":5.7}
# Out: {"new_value":5}


Converts a numerical type into a 16-bit signed integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 16-bit signed integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.int16()
root.b = this.b.round().int16()
root.c = this.c.int16()
root.d = this.d.int16().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":-12}

root = this.int16()

# In:  "0xDE"
# Out: 222


Converts a numerical type into a 32-bit signed integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 32-bit signed integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.int32()
root.b = this.b.round().int32()
root.c = this.c.int32()
root.d = this.d.int32().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":-12}

root = this.int32()

# In:  "0xDEAD"
# Out: 57005


Converts a numerical type into a 64-bit signed integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 64-bit signed integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.int64()
root.b = this.b.round().int64()
root.c = this.c.int64()
root.d = this.d.int64().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":-12}

root = this.int64()

# In:  "0xDEADBEEF"
# Out: 3735928559


Converts a numerical type into a 8-bit signed integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 8-bit signed integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.int8()
root.b = this.b.round().int8()
root.c = this.c.int8()
root.d = this.d.int8().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":-12}

root = this.int8()

# In:  "0xD"
# Out: 13


Returns the natural logarithm of a number.


root.new_value = this.value.log().round()

# In:  {"value":1}
# Out: {"new_value":0}

# In:  {"value":2.7183}
# Out: {"new_value":1}


Returns the decimal logarithm of a number.


root.new_value = this.value.log10()

# In:  {"value":100}
# Out: {"new_value":2}

# In:  {"value":1000}
# Out: {"new_value":3}


Returns the largest numerical value found within an array. All values must be numerical and the array must not be empty, otherwise an error is returned.


root.biggest = this.values.max()

# In:  {"values":[0,3,2.5,7,5]}
# Out: {"biggest":7}
root.new_value = [0,this.value].max()

# In:  {"value":-1}
# Out: {"new_value":0}

# In:  {"value":7}
# Out: {"new_value":7}


Returns the smallest numerical value found within an array. All values must be numerical and the array must not be empty, otherwise an error is returned.


root.smallest = this.values.min()

# In:  {"values":[0,3,-2.5,7,5]}
# Out: {"smallest":-2.5}
root.new_value = [10,this.value].min()

# In:  {"value":2}
# Out: {"new_value":2}

# In:  {"value":23}
# Out: {"new_value":10}


Rounds numbers to the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero. If the resulting value fits within a 64-bit integer then that is returned, otherwise a new floating point number is returned.


root.new_value = this.value.round()

# In:  {"value":5.3}
# Out: {"new_value":5}

# In:  {"value":5.9}
# Out: {"new_value":6}


Converts a numerical type into a 16-bit unsigned integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 16-bit unsigned integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.uint16()
root.b = this.b.round().uint16()
root.c = this.c.uint16()
root.d = this.d.uint16().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":0}

root = this.uint16()

# In:  "0xDE"
# Out: 222


Converts a numerical type into a 32-bit unsigned integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 32-bit unsigned integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.uint32()
root.b = this.b.round().uint32()
root.c = this.c.uint32()
root.d = this.d.uint32().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":0}

root = this.uint32()

# In:  "0xDEAD"
# Out: 57005


Converts a numerical type into a 64-bit unsigned integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 64-bit unsigned integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.uint64()
root.b = this.b.round().uint64()
root.c = this.c.uint64()
root.d = this.d.uint64().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":0}

root = this.uint64()

# In:  "0xDEADBEEF"
# Out: 3735928559


Converts a numerical type into a 8-bit unsigned integer, this is for advanced use cases where a specific data type is needed for a given component (such as the ClickHouse SQL driver).

If the value is a string then an attempt will be made to parse it as a 8-bit unsigned integer. If the target value exceeds the capacity of an integer or contains decimal values then this method will throw an error. In order to convert a floating point number containing decimals first use .round() on the value. Please refer to the strconv.ParseInt documentation for details regarding the supported formats.


root.a = this.a.uint8()
root.b = this.b.round().uint8()
root.c = this.c.uint8()
root.d = this.d.uint8().catch(0)

# In:  {"a":12,"b":12.34,"c":"12","d":-12}
# Out: {"a":12,"b":12,"c":12,"d":0}

root = this.uint8()

# In:  "0xD"
# Out: 13