Tyk Gateway 5.6 Release Notes

Last updated: 6 minutes read.

Open Source (Mozilla Public License)

This page contains all release notes for version 5.6.X displayed in a reverse chronological order

Support Lifetime

Our minor releases are supported until our next minor comes out.

5.6.0 Release Notes

Release Date 10 October 2024

Important Update

Date: 12 October 2024
Topic: Gateway panic when reconnecting to MDCB control plane or Tyk Cloud
Workaround: Restart Gateway
Affected Product: Tyk Gateway as an Edge Gateway
Affected versions: v5.6.0, v5.3.6, and v5.0.14
Issue Description:

We have identified an issue affecting Tyk Gateway deployed as a data plane connecting to the Multi-Data Center Bridge (MDCB) control plane or Tyk Cloud. In the above mentioned Gateway versions a panic may occur when gateway reconnect to the control plane after the control plane is restarted.

Our engineering team is actively working on a fix, and a patch (versions 5.6.1, 5.3.7, and 5.0.15) will be released soon.

  • For users on versions 5.5.0, 5.3.5, and 5.0.13
    We advise you to delay upgrading to the affected versions (5.6.0, 5.3.6, or 5.0.14) until the patch is available.
  • For users who have already upgraded to 5.6.0, 5.3.6, or 5.0.14 and are experiencing a panic in the gateway:
    Restarting the gateway process will restore it to a healthy state. If you are operating in a *Kubernetes* environment, Tyk Gateway instance should automatically restart, which ultimately resolves the issue.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to resolve this. Please stay tuned for the upcoming patch release, which will address this issue.

Release Highlights

We are thrilled to announce new updates and improvements in Tyk 5.6.0, bringing more control, flexibility, and performance. For a comprehensive list of changes, please refer to the detailed changelog below.

Per endpoint Rate Limiting for clients

Building on the per-endpoint upstream rate limits introduced in Tyk 5.5.0 we have now added per-endpoint client rate limits. This new feature allows for more granular control over client consumption of API resources by associating the rate limit with the access key, enabling you to manage and optimize API usage more effectively.

Gateway logs in JSON format

You can now output Tyk Gateway system logs in JSON format. This allows for easier integration with logging systems and more structured log data.

Go upgrade to 1.22

We’ve upgraded the Tyk Gateway to Golang 1.22, bringing improved performance, better security, and enhanced stability to the core system.

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.


Compatibility Matrix For Tyk Components

Gateway Version Recommended Releases Backwards Compatibility
5.6.0 MDCB v2.7.1 MDCB v2.4.2
Operator v1.0.0 Operator v0.17
Sync v2.0 Sync v1.4.3
Helm Chart v2.1 Helm all versions
EDP v1.11 EDP all versions
Pump v1.11 Pump all versions
TIB (if using standalone) v1.5.1 TIB all versions

3rd Party Dependencies & Tools

Third Party Dependency Tested Versions Compatible Versions Comments
Go 1.22 1.22 Go plugins must be built using Go 1.22
Redis 6.2.x, 7.x 6.2.x, 7.x Used by Tyk Gateway
OpenAPI Specification v3.0.x v3.0.x Supported by Tyk OAS

Given the potential time difference between your upgrade and the release of this version, we recommend users verify the ongoing support of third-party dependencies they install, as their status may have changed since the release.


There are no deprecations in this release.

Upgrade instructions

If you are upgrading to 5.6.0, please follow the detailed upgrade instructions.




  • Per endpoint client rate limiting

    Building on the per-endpoint upstream rate limits introduced in Tyk 5.5.0 we have added per-endpoint client rate limits. This new feature provided users with more precise control over API resource consumption by linking rate limits to access keys, allowing for better management and optimization of API usage.

  • New option to generate Gateway system logs in JSON format

    The Tyk Gateway now supports logging in JSON format. To enable this feature, set the environment variable TYK_GW_LOGFORMAT to json. If a different value is provided, the logs will default to the standard format. This enhancement allows for improved log processing and integration with various monitoring tools.


  • Upgrade to Go 1.22 for Tyk Dashboard

    The Tyk Gateway and Tyk Dashboard have been upgraded from Golang 1.21 to Golang 1.22, bringing enhanced performance, strengthened security, and access to the latest features available in the new Golang release.


  • Data plane gateways sometimes didn't synchronise policies and APIs on start-up

    We have enhanced the initial synchronization of Data Plane gateways with the Control Plane to ensure more reliable loading of policies and APIs on start-up. A synchronous initialization process has been implemented to avoid sync failures and reduce the risk of service disruptions caused by failed loads. This update ensures smoother and more consistent syncing of policies and APIs in distributed deployments.

  • Quota wasn't respected under extreme load

    We have fixed an issue where the quota limit was not being consistently respected during request spikes, especially in deployments with multiple gateways. The problem occurred when multiple gateways cached the current and remaining quota counters at the end of quota periods. To address this, a distributed lock mechanism has been implemented, ensuring coordinated quota resets and preventing discrepancies across gateways.

  • Rate limits were incorrectly combined when multiple policies were applied to a key

    We have fixed an issue where API-level rate limits set in multiple policies were not correctly applied to the same key. With this update, when multiple policies configure rate limits for a key, the key will now receive the highest rate limit from the combined policies, ensuring proper enforcement of limits.

  • Restored key creation performance to Gateway 4.0.12/4.3.3 levels

    We have addressed a performance regression where key creation for policies with a large number of APIs (100+) became significantly slower in Tyk 4.0.13/5.0.1. The operation, which previously took around 1.5 seconds, has been taking over 20 seconds since versions 4.0.13/5.0.1. This issue has been resolved by optimizing Redis operations during key creation, restoring the process to the previous duration, even with a large number of APIs in the policy.

Security Fixes

  • High priority CVEs fixed

    Fixed the following high priority CVEs identified in the Tyk Gateway, providing increased protection against security vulnerabilities:

Further Information

Upgrading Tyk

Please refer to the upgrading Tyk page for further guidance on the upgrade strategy.

API Documentation


Please visit our Developer Support page for further information relating to reporting bugs, upgrading Tyk, technical support and how to contribute.