Webhook event handlers with Tyk Classic APIs

Last updated: 4 minutes read.

Webhooks are event handlers that can be registered against API Events. The webhook will be triggered when the corresponding event is fired and will send a customisable fixed payload to any open endpoint.

Webhooks are configured in the Tyk Classic API Definition. You can do this via the Tyk Dashboard API or in the API Designer.

If you’re using the newer Tyk OAS APIs, then check out the Tyk OAS page.

Set up a webhook event handler in the Tyk Classic API Definition

To add a webhook event handler you must add a new event handler object within the event_handlers.events section of the API definition for the appropriate API event.

The event handler object has the following configuration:

  • handler_name: this identifies the type of event handler and must be set to eh_web_hook_handler
  • handler_meta: this structure configures the HTTP request that will be sent when the webhook is triggered

The handler_meta object has the following configuration:

  • method: this can be any of GET, PUT, POST, PATCH or DELETE and will be the HTTP method used to send the request; methods that do not support an encoded request body will not have the event metadata provided with the request; we advise using POST where possible
  • target_path: this is an absolute URL to which the request will be sent
  • template_path: this is the path to the webhook template that will be used to construct the request body
  • header_map: a map of custom headers to be provided with the request
  • event_timeout: the webhook cooldown for duplicate events (in seconds); use this to prevent flooding of the target endpoint when multiple events are fired in quick succession

For example:

  "event_handlers": {
    "events": {
      "AuthFailure": [
            "handler_meta": {
                "method": "POST",
                "target_path": "http://posttestserver.com/post.php?dir=tyk-event-test",
                "template_path": "templates/default_webhook.json",
                "header_map": {"X-Tyk-Test-Header": "Tyk v1.BANANA"},
                "event_timeout": 10

In this example, when the AuthFailure event is fired, the webhook event handler will send a request to POST http://posttestserver.com/post.php?dir=tyk-event-test and then start a 10 second cooldown before another webhook request can be sent.

The request will have one custom header X-Tyk-Test-Header: Tyk v1.BANANA and the body will be constructed from the webhook template located at templates/default_webhook.json.


This manually configured webhook event handler is private to the API within which it has been defined, it is not a global webhook.

Set up a webhook event handler in the Tyk Dashboard

It is very simple to register webhooks to be triggered in response to specific API events when using Tyk Classic APIs with the Tyk Dashboard. The API Designer in the Dashboard allows you to register global webhooks to handle events.

Note that Tyk Gateway does not have access to the global webhook definitions registered with Tyk Dashboard and can only operate on the configuration within the API definition. Dashboard will manage the conversion of global webhooks to locally defined webhook handlers within the Tyk Classic API definition, automatically updating the configuration in each API definition when the APIs are reloaded to the Gateway.

Step 1: Define the webhook

Before you can configure a webhook event handler for your API, you must first create a global webhook from the Webhooks screen in the API Management menu, as described here.

Step 2: Register the webhook with the event

From the API Designer select the Advanced Options tab and locate the Webhooks panel:

Webhook API Details


  • select the API Event for which you want to trigger the webhook from the dropdown list
  • select the Webhook to use when the event fires, again from the dropdown list
  • finally, configure the required Cooldown period
  • click Add

Note that you can register multiple webhooks to be triggered in response to a single event and you can register the same webhook with multiple API events.

Remember to click Save to save your changes.