Install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal in Red Hat environment using RPM

Last updated:

This guide provides a step-by-step recipe for launching the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal using an RPM package in Red Hat environment (RHEL / CentOS).


This document is just an example. Customize all fields, including the username, password, root password, database name and more.

Be sure to update the connection DSN in the env-file accordingly.


To successfully install the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal using RPM, your environment should satisfy the following requirements:

  • Connectivity to If your environment doesn’t have connectivity to packagecloud, you will need to download the portal package and copy it to the target host.
  • RPM Package Manager should be installed on the host machine.

Download and install the portal package

Download the portal package

To start with, you need to download the portal package from To keep things organized, first create a directory where all installation assets (packages and config files) will be stored:

mkdir ~/portal-install
cd ~/portal-install

Next, download the portal package from by executing the command below. Ensure to replace package-version with actual package version e.g. for the portal v1.7.0 for x86_64.

wget --content-disposition "<package-version>"

Install the portal package

Once the package is downloaded, you need to install using RPM. Execute the below command to so. Once again, ensure to replace portal-1.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm with an actual filename of the package you have downloaded on the previous step.

sudo rpm -i portal-1.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Configure and launch the portal

Update the configuration file with your license


Tyk no longer supports SQLite as of Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disruption, please transition to PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or one of the listed compatible alternatives.

Before starting the portal service, you need to configure the portal. Once the rpm package has been installed, the portal configuration file will be located in /opt/portal/portal.conf. Initially, the config file is filled with the default values. The minimal configuration change to start the portal is to add the LicenseKey property to the config file. The below sample configuration will start the portal on portal 3001 with SQLite as a database, no TLS enabled, and all CMS assets (images, theme files, etc.) are stored in the filesystem. You can, however, customize the provided example and make more suitable for your need using the configuration reference.

  "HostPort": 3001,
  "LicenseKey": "<your-license-here>",
  "Database": {
    "Dialect": "sqlite3",
    "ConnectionString": "portal.db",
    "EnableLogs": false
  "Blog": {
    "Enable": true
  "Site": {
    "Enable": true
  "Forms": {
    "Enable": false
  "StoreSessionName": "portal-store-session-name",
  "PortalAPISecret": "123456",
  "Storage": "fs",
  "S3": {
    "AccessKey": "your-access-key-here",
    "SecretKey": "your-secret-key-here",
    "Region": "s3-region",
    "Endpoint": "if-any",
    "Bucket": "your-bucket-here",
    "ACL": "",
    "PresignURLs": true
  "TLSConfig": {
    "Enable": false,
    "InsecureSkipVerify": false,
        "Name": "localhost",
        "CertFile": "portal.crt",
        "KeyFile": "portal.key"

Start the portal service

Now when the portal package is installed and the configuration is updated, it is time to start the portal by executing the following command:

sudo systemctl start portal.service

To check status and log of the portal execute the following command:

systemctl status portal.service

Bootstrap the portal

Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.