Install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal using Docker
Last updated:
This guide provides a clear and concise, step-by-step recipe for launching the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal in a container using Docker. Depending on your preferences, you can use MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite as database.
In this recipe, the database and the portal container will run on the same network, with the database storing its data on a volume. The portal’s CMS assets (images, files and themes) are stored in the database, although this guide provides links to the documentation to use a persistent volume or an S3 bucket as a storage medium for CMS assets. Additionally, all settings for the Portal are configured using an env-file.
This document is just an example. Customize all fields, including the username, password, root password, database name and more.
Be sure to update the connection DSN in the env-file accordingly.
To successfully install the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal with Docker, you should have installed Docker on the machine where you want to install the portal.
Prepare an environment variables file, data volumes, and network
Create a network for the portal deployment
To start with, you need to create a Docker network for communication between the database and the portal. Execute the following command to create it:
docker network create tyk-portal
Create an init script for PostgreSQL
To initialize a PostgreSQL database, you need to create an init script that will later be used to launch the PostgreSQL instance.
Copy the content below to a file named init.sql
, which you will need in the next step.
-- init.sql
-- Creating user
Create the database volume and launch the database
The next step is to launch the PostgreSQL database for the portal. To achieve this, create a data volume for the database first:
docker volume create tyk-portal-postgres-data
Then launch the PostgreSQL instance by executing the following command:
docker run \
-d \
--name tyk-portal-postgres \
--restart on-failure:5 \
-e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
--mount type=volume,source=tyk-portal-postgres-data,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
--mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/init.sql,dst=/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql \
--network tyk-portal \
-p 5432:5432 \
Create an environment variables file
Creating an environment variables file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.
Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the configuration section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.
PORTAL_DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING=host=tyk-portal-postgres port=5432 dbname=portal user=admin password=secr3t sslmode=disable
Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with PostgreSQL in a Docker container.
Launch the portal with PostgreSQL in a Docker container
Pull and launch the portal container
To pull and launch the portal using Docker, use the command provided below.
Ensure that you replace <tag>
with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7
for the portal v1.7. You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.
docker run -d \
-p 3001:3001 \
--env-file .env \
--network tyk-portal \
--name tyk-portal \
This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.
Bootstrap the portal
Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.
Clean up
If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:
docker stop tyk-portal
docker rm tyk-portal
docker stop tyk-portal-postgres
docker rm tyk-portal-postgres
docker volume rm tyk-portal-postgres-data
Prepare an environment variables file, data volumes, and network
Create a network for the portal deployment
To start with, you need to create a Docker network for communication between the database and the portal. Execute the following command to create it:
docker network create tyk-portal
Create the database volume and launch the database
The next step is to launch the MySQL database for the portal. To achieve this, create a data volume for the database first:
docker volume create tyk-portal-mysql-data
Then launch the MySQL instance by executing the following command:
docker run \
-d \
--name tyk-portal-mysql \
--restart on-failure:5 \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=sup3rsecr3t \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=portal \
-e MYSQL_USER=admin \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=secr3t \
--mount type=volume,source=tyk-portal-mysql-data,target=/var/lib/mysql \
--network tyk-portal \
-p 3306:3306 \
mysql:5.7 --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci --sql-mode=ALLOW_INVALID_DATES
The above MySQL configuration is an example. You can customize deployment of your MySQL instance.
Please refer to the MySQL documentation for further guidance.
SQLite support will be deprecated from Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disrupution, please transition to PostgreSQL, MongoDB or one of the listed compatible alternatives.
Create an environment variables file
Creating an environment variables file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.
Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the configuration section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.
Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with MySQL in a Docker container or via Docker Compose.
Launch the portal with MySQL in a Docker container
Pull and launch the portal container
To pull and launch the portal using Docker, use the command provided below.
Ensure that you replace <tag>
with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7
for the portal v1.7.
You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.
docker run -d \
-p 3001:3001 \
--env-file .env \
--network tyk-portal \
--name tyk-portal \
--mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/themes,dst=/opt/portal/themes \
--mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/system,dst=/opt/portal/public/system \
This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.
Bootstrap the portal
Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.
Clean up
If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:
docker stop tyk-portal
docker rm tyk-portal
docker stop tyk-portal-mysql
docker rm tyk-portal-mysql
docker volume rm tyk-portal-mysql-data
Tyk no longer supports SQLite as of Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disruption, please transition to PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or one of the listed compatible alternatives.
Prepare an environment variables file and data volumes
Create a volume for the portal’s database
To start with, you need to create a single volume for sqlite:
mkdir -p /tmp/portal/db
chmod -R o+x,o+w /tmp/portal
Create an environment variables file
Creating an environment variables file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.
Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the configuration] section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.
Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with SQLite in a Docker container.
Launch the portal with SQLite in a Docker container
Pull and launch the portal container
To pull and launch the portal using Docker, use the command provided below.
Ensure that you replace <tag>
with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7
for the portal v1.7.
You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.
docker run -d \
-p 3001:3001 \
--env-file .env \
--mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/db,dst=/opt/portal/db \
--mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/themes,dst=/opt/portal/themes \
--mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/system,dst=/opt/portal/public/system \
--name tyk-portal \
This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.
Bootstrap the portal
Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.
Clean up
If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:
docker stop tyk-portal
docker rm tyk-portal
Since the SQLite data is persisted in the file system, you need to remove the following file for a complete deletion of the portal:
rm -rf /tmp/portal/db