Logging system and API events

Last updated: 3 minutes read.

Tyk will log system events to stderr and stdout.

In a typical installation, these will be handled or redirected by the service manager running the process, and depending on the Linux distribution, will either be output to /var/log/ or /var/log/upstart.

Tyk will try to output structured logs, and so will include context data around request errors where possible.

If configured, then a logging event handler will also report API events to the configured log output.

When contacting support, you may be asked to change the logging level as part of the support handling process. See Support Information for more details.

Configuring Tyk logs

Log data is usually of the Error level and higher, though you can enable Debug mode reporting by adding the --debug flag to the process run command.

There are four levels of verbosity of logging that Tyk can generate:

  • debug which generates a high volume of logs and is not recommended for live
  • info is the default logging level
  • warn will log only warnings and errrors
  • error is the most minimal level of logging, reporting only errors

You can set the logging verbosity in two ways:

  1. Via an Environment Variable to affect all Tyk components
  2. Just for the Gateway via your tyk.conf config file


Debug mode generates a lot of output and is not recommended except when debugging.

Setting log verbosity for all Tyk components

You can control the log verbosity across all installed Tyk components using the TYK_LOGLEVEL environment variable.

Tyk support can advise you which verbosity setting to use.

Setting log verbosity for the Gateway Only

Sometimes you will want to have more detailed logging for the Tyk Gateway than for the other components, so there is an individual control for you to set the logging level in your tyk.conf:

  "log_level": "info"

If unset or left empty, it will default to info.

Integration with 3rd party aggregated log and error tools

Tyk can be configured to send log data from multiple Tyk processes to a 3rd party server for aggregation and analysis.

The following servers are supported:

Aggregated logs with Sentry

To enable Sentry as a log aggregator, update these settings in both your tyk.conf and your tyk_analytics.conf:

  • use_sentry: Set this to true to enable the Sentry logger, you must specify a Sentry DSN under sentry_code.

  • sentry_code: The Sentry-assigned DSN (a kind of URL endpoint) that Tyk can send log data to.

Aggregated logs with Logstash

To enable Logstash as a log aggregator, update these settings in your tyk.conf:

  • use_logstash: Set this to true to enable the Logstash logger.

  • logstash_transport: The Logstash transport to use, should be "tcp".

  • logstash_network_addr: Set to the Logstash client network address, should be in the form of hostname:port.

Aggregated logs with Graylog

To enable Graylog as a log aggregator, update these settings in your tyk.conf:

  • use_graylog: Set this to true to enable the Graylog logger.

  • graylog_network_addr: The Graylog client address in the form of <graylog_ip>:<graylog_port>.

Aggregated logs with Syslog

To enable Syslog as a log aggregator, update these settings in your tyk.conf:

  • use_syslog: Set this to true to enable the Syslog logger.

  • syslog_transport: The Syslog transport to use, should be "udp" or empty.

  • syslog_network_addr: Set to the Syslog client network address, should be in the form of hostname:port