Support SLA Policies

Last updated: 1 minute read.

The following table outlines our current Tyk Support SLA Policies

Included Capabilities Free Standard Enhanced (Silver) Premier Signature (Gold)
Type Best Efforts Best Efforts SLA SLA SLA
Support Hours - - 9x5 1TZ 24x7x365 24x7x365
Number of Named Users 0 1 3 5 10
Response Time - Severity 1 - 48 hours 4 hours 2 hours 1 hour
Response Time - Severity 2 - 96 hours 12 hours 8 hours 4 hours
Response Time - Severity 3 - 14 days 24 hours 24 hours 8 hours
Issue Prioritization Low Low Medium High Highest
Custom Solution Architect - - - Pooled Named
Community Forum Included Included Included Included Included
Support Portal - Included Included Included Included
Screen Shares - - - 6 per year Unlimited
Phone Line for Severity 1 issues - - - - Included
Release Notifications - - Included Included Included
Playbooks - - - Included Included