Dashboard Admin API Organizations

Last updated: 3 minutes read.

Important Note on Spelling:

While our documentation now uses American English, the product itself, including UI, configuration fields, environment variables, and APIs endpoints, retain British English spellings. When interacting with the product, please continue using the British English spellings as they appear in the interface and API. (This means that for existing users nothing has changed).
Example: The API endpoint /organisation as shown throughout this page uses British spelling (with an ’s’ not ‘z’). In all other instances, such as when describing or referring to this object in the documentation, we will use the American spelling “organization” with a ‘z’.


In a production environment, you will need to change the default admin_Secret value that is called by the admin-auth header in your tyk_analytics.conf file. This is located in /opt/tyk-dashboard.

Retrieve a single Organization

Property Description
Resource URL /admin/organisation/{org-id}
Method GET
Type None
Body Organization Object
Param None

Sample Request

GET /admin/organisations/{ORG_ID} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
admin-auth: 12345

Sample Response

    "id": "5cc03283d07e7f00019404b3",
    "owner_name": "TestOrg5 Ltd.",
    "owner_slug": "testorg",
    "cname_enabled": true,
    "cname": "www.tyk-portal-test.com",
    "apis": [
            "api_human_name": "First API #Test",
            "api_id": "5508bd9429434d5768c423a04db259ea"
    "developer_quota": 0,
    "developer_count": 0,
    "event_options": {},
    "hybrid_enabled": false,
    "ui": {
        "languages": {},
        "hide_help": false,
        "default_lang": "",
        "login_page": {},
        "nav": {},
        "uptime": {},
        "portal_section": {},
        "designer": {},
        "dont_show_admin_sockets": false,
        "dont_allow_license_management": false,
        "dont_allow_license_management_view": false,
        "cloud": false
    "org_options_meta": {}

Retrieve all Organizations

Property Description
Resource URL `/admin/organisation/'
Method GET
Type None
Body Organization Object
Param None

Sample Request

GET /admin/organisations/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
admin-auth: 12345

Sample Response

    "organisations": [
            "id": "5cc03283d07e7f00019404b3",
            "owner_name": "TestOrg5 Ltd.",
            "owner_slug": "testorg",
            "cname_enabled": true,
            "cname": "www.tyk-portal-test.com",
            "apis": [
                    "api_human_name": "First API #Test",
                    "api_id": "5508bd9429434d5768c423a04db259ea"
            "developer_quota": 0,
            "developer_count": 0,
            "event_options": {},
            "hybrid_enabled": false,
            "ui": {
                "languages": {},
                "hide_help": false,
                "default_lang": "",
                "login_page": {},
                "nav": {},
                "uptime": {},
                "portal_section": {},
                "designer": {},
                "dont_show_admin_sockets": false,
                "dont_allow_license_management": false,
                "dont_allow_license_management_view": false,
                "cloud": false
            "org_options_meta": {}
            "id": "5ccae84aa402ce00018b5435",
            "owner_name": "Jively",
            "owner_slug": "",
            "cname_enabled": true,
            "cname": "jive.ly",
            "apis": [],
            "developer_quota": 0,
            "developer_count": 0,
            "event_options": {},
            "hybrid_enabled": false,
            "ui": {
                "languages": {},
                "hide_help": false,
                "default_lang": "",
                "login_page": {},
                "nav": {},
                "uptime": {},
                "portal_section": {},
                "designer": {},
                "dont_show_admin_sockets": false,
                "dont_allow_license_management": false,
                "dont_allow_license_management_view": false,
                "cloud": false
            "org_options_meta": {}
    "pages": 0

Create an Organization

Property Description
Resource URL /admin/organisation/
Method POST
Type None
Body Organization Object
Param None

Sample Request

POST /admin/organisations/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
admin-auth: 12345

  "owner_name": "Jively",
  "cname": "jive.ly",
  "cname_enabled": true

Sample response

  "Message":"Org created",

Update an Organization

Property Description
Resource URL /admin/organisation/{id}
Method PUT
Type None
Body Organization Object
Param None

Sample Request

PUT /admin/organisations/54b53d3aeba6db5c35000002 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
admin-auth: 12345

  "owner_name": "Jively",
  "cname": "jive.ly",
  "cname_enabled": true

Sample Response

  "Message":"Org updated",

Delete an Organization

Property Description
Resource URL /admin/organisation/{id}
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

DELETE /admin/organisation/54b53d3aeba6db5c35000002 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
admin-auth: 12345

Sample Response

  "Message":"Org deleted",