Manage Tyk Dashboard User Groups

Last updated: 2 minutes read.

Tyk has a flexible user permissions system that provides Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for your Tyk Dashboard.

When you have a large number of users and teams with different access requirements, instead of setting permissions per user, you can create a user group and configure the permissions for all users in the group. For example, if you only want certain users to access the Tyk Logs, you could create a “Logs Users” user group, then give those users the Logs Read permission and add them to your Logs Users group.

Note that a user can only belong to one group.

You must have either admin or user groups permission to be able to modify user groups.

This also works for Single Sign-On (SSO), as you can specify the user group ID when setting up SSO.


The availability of this feature depends on your license.
For further information, please check our price comparison or consult our sales and expert engineers: Contact us

Creating a User Group with the Dashboard

Step 1: Select “User Groups” from the “System Management” section

User group menu

Step 2: Click “ADD NEW USER GROUP”

Add user group location

Step 3: Add User Group Name

Enter the name for your User Group, and an optional Description.

Add name

Step 4: Set User Group Permissions

Selet the User Group Permissions you want to apply.

Add permissions

Step 5: Click “Save” to create the Group

Click Save

Step 6: Add Users to your Group

  1. From the Users menu, select Edit from the Actions drop-down list for a user to add to the group.
  2. Select your group from the User group drop-down list.

select user group

Click Update to save the User details

update user

Managing User Groups with the Dashboard API

You can also manage User Groups via our Dashboard API. The following functions are available: