Event Types

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Tyk System Events

The events currently raised by Tyk are:

  • QuotaExceeded: Quota for a specific key has been exceeded
  • RatelimitExceeded: Rate limit has been exceeded for a specific key
  • OrgQuotaExceeded: Quota for a specific organization has been exceeded
  • OrgRateLimitExceeded: Rate limit has been exceeded for a specific organization
  • AuthFailure: A key has failed authentication or has attempted access and was denied
  • KeyExpired: A key has attempted access but is expired
  • VersionFailure: A key has attempted access to a version it does not have permission to access
  • BreakerTriggered: This event will be created when either a BreakerTripped, or a BreakerReset event occurs; a status code in the metadata passed to the webhook will indicate which of these events was triggered.
  • BreakerTripped: When a circuit breaker on a path trips and a service is taken offline.
  • BreakerReset: When the circuit breaker comes back on-stream.
  • TokenCreated: Executed when a token is created
  • TokenUpdated: Executed when a token is changed
  • TokenDeleted: Executed when a token is deleted