Tyk Classic API Endpoint Designer

Last updated: 3 minutes read.

Tyk Dashboard’s Endpoint Designer provides a graphical environment for the creation and update of your Tyk Classic APIs.

The Endpoint Designer allows to configure all elements of your Tyk Classic API and consists of several tabs, plus a Raw Definition view which allows you to directly edit the Tyk Classic API Definition (in JSON format). Note that

Core Settings

The Tyk Classic Endpoint Designer - Core Settings tab

The Core Settings tab provides access to configure basic settings for the API:


The Tyk Classic Endpoint Designer - Versions tab

The Versions tab allows you to create and manage API versioning for the API.

At the top of the Endpoint Designer, you can see which version you are currently editing. If you have more than one option, selecting it from the drop-down will load its endpoint configuration into the editor.

Endpoint Designer

The Tyk Classic Endpoint Designer - Endpoint Designer tab

The Endpoint Designer is where you can define endpoints for your API so that you can enable and configure Tyk middleware to perform checks and transformations on the API traffic.

In some cases, you will want to set global settings that affect all paths that are managed by Tyk. The Global Version Settings section will enable you to configure API-level request and response header transformation.

Advanced Options

The Tyk Classic Endpoint Designer - Advanced Options tab

The Advanced Options tab is where you can configure Tyk’s other powerful features including:

  • Upstream certificate management
  • API-level caching including a button to invalidate (flush) the cache for the API
  • CORS
  • Add custom attributes to the API definition as config data that can be accessed by middleware
  • Enable context variables so that they are extracted from requests and made available to middleware
  • Manage segment tags if you are working with sharded gateways
  • Manage client IP address allow and block lists
  • Attach webhooks that will be triggered for different events

Uptime Tests

The Tyk Classic Endpoint Designer - Uptime Tests tab

In the Uptime Tests tab you can configure Tyk’s Uptime Test functionality


The Tyk Classic Endpoint Designer - Debugging tab

The Debugging tab allows you to test your endpoints before you publish or update them. You can also use it for testing any middleware plugins you have implemented. Any debugging you create will persist while still in the current API, enabling you to make changes in the rest of the API settings without losing the debugging scenario.

The Debugging tab consists of the following sections:

  • Request
  • Response
  • Logs


Debugging Request

In this section, you can enter the following information:

  • Method - select the method for your test from the drop-down list
  • Path - your endpoint to test
  • Headers/Body - enter any header information, such as Authorization, etc. Enter any body information. For example, entering user information if creating/updating a user.

Once you have entered all the requested information, click Run. Debugging Response and Log information will be displayed:


Debugging Response

The Response section shows the JSON response to your request.


Debugging Logs

The debugging level is set to debug for the request. This outputs all logging information in the Endpoint Designer. In the Tyk Gateway logs you will see a single request. Any Error messages will be displayed at the bottom of the Logs output.