The Complete Kubernetes Tyk Demo
Last updated: 8 minutes read.
The tyk-k8s-demo repository allows you to start up an entire Tyk Stack
with all its dependencies as well as other tools that can integrate with Tyk.
The repository will spin up everything in Kubernetes using helm
and bash magic
to get you started.
Minimize the amount of effort needed to start up the Tyk infrastructure and show examples of how Tyk can be set up in k8s using different deployment architectures as well as different integrations.
Required Packages
You will need the following tools to be able to run this project.
- Kubectl - CLI tool for controlling Kubernetes clusters
- Helm - Helps manage Kubernetes applications through Helm charts
- jq - CLI for working with JSON output and manipulating it
- git - CLI used to obtain the project from GitHub
- Terraform (only when using
Tested on Linux/Unix based systems on AMD64 and ARM architectures
License Requirements
Tyk OSS: No license required as it is open-source.
Licensed Products: Sign up here using the button below, and choose “Get in touch” to receive a guided evaluation of the Tyk Dashboard and your temporary license.
Get started
How to use the license key
Once you obtained the license key, create a .env
file using the example provided and update it with your licenses as follows:
git clone
cd tyk-k8s-demo
cp .env.example .env
Depending on the deployments you would like to install set values of the LICENSE
inside the .env
If you are deploying this demo on Minikube, you will need to enable the ingress addon. You can do so by running the following commands:
minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress
Quick Start
./ --deployments portal,operator-httpbin tyk-stack
This quick start command will start up the entire Tyk stack along with the Tyk Enterprise Portal, Tyk Operator, and httpbin CRD example.
Possible deployments
: A comprehensive Tyk Self Managed setup for a single regiontyk-cp
: Tyk control plane in a multi-region Tyk deploymenttyk-dp
: Data plane of hybrid gateways that connect to either Tyk Cloud or a Tyk Control Plane, facilitating scalable deploymentstyk-gateway
: Open Source Software (OSS) version of Tyk, self-managed and suitable for single-region deployments
Dependencies Options
Redis Options
: Bitnami Redis deploymentredis-cluster
: Bitnami Redis Cluster deploymentredis-sentinel
: Bitnami Redis Sentinel deployment
Storage Options
: Bitnami Mongo database deployment as a Tyk backendpostgres
: Bitnami Postgres database deployment as a Tyk backend
Supplementary Deployments
Please see this page for Tyk deployments compatibility charts.
- cert-manager: deploys cert-manager.
- datadog: deploys Datadog agent and starts up Tyk Pump to push analytics data from the Tyk platform to Datadog. It will also create a Datadog dashboard for you to view the analytics.
- elasticsearch: deploys
Elasticsearch and starts up Tyk pump to push analytics data from the Tyk platform to Elasticsearch.
- elasticsearch-kibana: deploys the Elasticsearch deployment as well as a Kibana deployment and creates a Kibana dashboard for you to view the analytics.
- Jaeger: deploys the Jaeger operator, a Jaeger instance, and the OpenTelemetry collector and configures the Tyk deployment to send telemetry data to Jaeger through the OpenTelemetry collector.
- k6: deploys a Grafana K6 Operator.
- k6-slo-traffic: deploys a k6 CRD to generate a load of traffic to seed analytics data.
- keycloak: deploys the Keycloak Operator and a Keycloak instance.
- keycloak-dcr: starts up a Keycloak Dynamic Client Registration example.
- keycloak-jwt: starts up a Keycloak JWT Authentication example with Tyk.
- keycloak-sso: starts up a Keycloak SSO example with the Tyk Dashboard.
- newrelic: deploys New Relic and starts up a Tyk Pump to push analytics data from the Tyk platform to New Relic.
- opa: enables Open Policy Agent to allow for Dashboard APIs governance.
- opensearch: deploys OpenSearch and starts up Tyk Pump to push analytics data from the Tyk platform to OpenSearch.
- operator: deploys the Tyk Operator and its dependency cert-manager.
- operator-federation: starts up Federation v1 API examples using the tyk-operator.
- operator-graphql: starts up GraphQL API examples using the tyk-operator.
- operator-httpbin: starts up an API examples using the tyk-operator.
- operator-jwt-hmac: starts up API examples using the tyk-operator to demonstrate JWT HMAC auth.
- operator-udg: starts up Universal Data Graph API examples using the tyk-operator.
- portal: deploys the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal as well as its dependency PostgreSQL.
- prometheus: deploys Prometheus and starts up Tyk Pump to push analytics data from the Tyk platform to Prometheus.
- prometheus-grafana: deploys the Prometheus deployment as well as a Grafana deployment and creates a Grafana dashboard for you to view the analytics.
- vault: deploys Vault Operator and a Vault instance.
If you are running a POC and would like an example of how to integrate a specific tool, you are welcome to submit a feature request
./ \
--storage postgres \
--deployments prometheus-grafana,k6-slo-traffic \
The deployment process takes approximately 10 minutes, as the installation is sequential and some dependencies take time to initialize. Once the installation is complete, the script will output a list of all the services that were started, along with instructions on how to access them. Afterward, the k6 job will begin running in the background, generating traffic for 15 minutes. To monitor live traffic, you can use the credentials provided by the script to access Grafana or the Tyk Dashboard
Start Tyk deployment
Create and start up the deployments
./ [flags] [command]
Available Commands:
-v, --verbose bool set log level to debug
--dry-run bool set the execution mode to dry run. This will dump the kubectl and helm commands rather than execute them
-n, --namespace string namespace the tyk stack will be installed in, defaults to 'tyk'
-f, --flavor enum k8s environment flavor. This option can be set 'openshift' and defaults to 'vanilla'
-e, --expose enum set this option to 'port-forward' to expose the services as port-forwards or to 'load-balancer' to expose the services as load balancers or 'ingress' which exposes services as a k8s ingress object
-r, --redis enum the redis mode that tyk stack will use. This option can be set 'redis', 'redis-sentinel' and defaults to 'redis-cluster'
-s, --storage enum database the tyk stack will use. This option can be set 'mongo' (amd only) and defaults to 'postgres'
-d, --deployments string comma separated list of deployments to launch
-c, --cloud enum stand up k8s infrastructure in 'aws', 'gcp' or 'azure'. This will require Terraform and the CLIs associate with the cloud of choice
-l, --ssl bool enable ssl on deployments
Stop Tyk deployment
Shutdown deployment
./ [flags]
-v, --verbose bool set log level to debug
-n, --namespace string namespace the tyk stack will be installed in, defaults to 'tyk'
-p, --ports bool disconnect port connections only
-c, --cloud enum tear down k8s cluster stood up
You can get the repository to create demo clusters for you on AWS, GCP, or Azure. That can be set using the --cloud
and requires the respective cloud CLI to be installed and authorized on your system. You will also need to specify the
(for GCP only) parameters in the .env file.
You can find examples of .env files here:
For more information about cloud CLIs:
- AWS:
- GCP:
- gcloud
environment variable per documentation from Google
- Azure:
This repository can also act as a guide to help you get set up with Tyk. If you just want to know how to set up a specific
tool with Tyk, you can run the repository with the --dry-run
and --verbose
flags. This will output all the commands that
the repository will run to stand up any installation. This can help debug as well as figure out what
configuration options are required to set these tools up.
Furthermore, you can also add any Tyk environment variables to your .env
file and those variables will be mapped to
their respective Tyk deployments.
The script has defaults for minimal settings in this env file,
and it will give errors if something is missing.
You can also add or change any Tyk environment variables in the .env
and they will be mapped to the respective extraEnvs
section in the helm charts.
Variable | Default | Comments |
Dashboard version |
Gateway version |
MDCB version |
PUMP_VERSION | v1.11 |
Pump version |
Portal version |
TYK_HELM_CHART_PATH | tyk-helm |
Path to charts, can be a local directory or a helm repo |
TYK_USERNAME | [email protected] |
Default password for all the services deployed |
TYK_PASSWORD | topsecretpassword |
Default password for all the services deployed |
LICENSE | Dashboard license | |
MDCB_LICENSE | MDCB license | |
PORTAL_LICENSE | Portal license | |
TYK_WORKER_CONNECTIONSTRING | MDCB URL for worker connection | |
TYK_WORKER_ORGID | Org ID of dashboard user | |
TYK_WORKER_AUTHTOKEN | Auth token of dashboard user | |
Set to true when the MDCB is serving on a TLS connection |
Set to true to enable API Sharding |
TYK_WORKER_SHARDING_TAGS | API Gateway segmentation tags | |
Set the gateway service port to use |
TYK_WORKER_OPERATOR_CONNECTIONSTRING | Set the dashboard URL for the operator to be able to manage APIs and Policies | |
DATADOG_APIKEY | Datadog API key | |
DATADOG_APPKEY | Datadog Application key. This is used to create a dashboard and create a pipeline for the Tyk logs | |
Datadog site. Change to if using the European site |
GCP_PROJECT | The GCP project for terraform authentication on GCP | |
CLUSTER_LOCATION | Cluster location that will be created on AKS, EKS, or GKE | |
CLUSTER_MACHINE_TYPE | Machine type for the cluster that will be created on AKS, EKS, or GKE | |
CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT | Number of nodes for the cluster that will be created on AKS, EKS, or GKE | |
The ingress classname to be used to associate the k8s ingress objects with the ingress controller/load balancer |